Worldwide Booth Construction and Design
Trade Fairs and Events offers excellent ways to promote a product globally. By participating in trade fairs and events, you can increase your sell
and have to various other benefits. So it is also very necessary and important to own a designer booth stand in a trade fair or event. Now you are
thinking about where to go for quality booth constructions in China with in affordable prices. You need not to worry. Here we at Dosen China can offer
wide varieties of booth design and booth decoration for you.
Beijing Dosen Exhibition & Display Co.,Ltd. is a specialized company engaging in exhibition & display design, exhibition booth construction and
conference planning. Since its establishment, Dosen has undertaken many significant large scale domestic and overseas thematic exhibitions. Dosen
has professional plants with nearly 10,000 square meters, which own various large and medium scale equipments with highquality of producing and
processing capability. With our base in Beijing, Dosen has established cooperation branches in many cities, such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen,
Dalian, Shenyang, Nanjing, Zhengzhou and Chengdu and successfully stepped into the international exhibition market. We have our long time
So if you are planning to take part in event or trade fair for promoting your products,then we highly recommend Dosen Exhibition China for custom and
modular booth designs. Remember booth construction is important in trade fair or event and only professional can makes task simpler.
Providing exhibition services / Exhibition stand construction / Booth construction is further available in the following languages: German - 'Messebau', Russian - 'здания для проведения ярмарок', Spanish - 'Construcciones de mediciones', Polish - 'Budownictwo na potrzeby targów', Chinese - '展台搭建', French - 'Construction de stands pour salons', Italian - 'allestimenti fieristico', Turkish - 'Fuarcılık', Portuguese - 'Montagem de feiras', Czech - 'výstavba veletrhů', Hungarian - 'Vásár építés',